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2월 1일 수요일
META | AlphaStreet
Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ: META), the parent of popular social networking platform Facebook, reported lower revenues and earnings for the third quarter
2월 2일 목요일
APPL | AlphaStreet
While the elite FAANG stocks were much sought-after at the beginning of last year, things took a grim turn around latter of
AMZN | AlphaStreet
1-800-Flowers.com, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLWS), a leading eCommerce provider of products and services designed to inspire more human expression, connection, and celebration, has
알파벳(구글) -분기실적발표
GOOGL | AlphaStreet
Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOGL, GOOG), the parent of internet search platform Google, reported a 34% growth in first-quarter revenues, mainly reflecting the
컨센서스 대비 분기실적 비교
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